A Simple Start to Homeschooling Preschoolers

A Simple Start to Homeschooling Preschoolers

Preschool is an important time in your child's development and it's worth a small investment of time to ensure they are nurtured in this season.
Whether your oldest child is 3-5 years old, or you have several who are older, dedicating 30 minutes to an hour each day to connect with your preschooler can help them learn and grow, and taking time this summer to prep your home for learning can facilitate independent learning. Homeschooling preschoolers can be delightful when we follow these simple steps.

Start with preparation

1. Downsize your home. Look at your home from the lens of a little person. Can your child reach the bathroom sink to wash their hands? 
Can they reach their clothes to get dressed in the morning? 
Are the toys minimized so they can pick up by themselves? 
Are there healthy snacks available to them? Tantrums often happen when a language learner can't communicate their needs, so work towards teaching your young children how to do basic tasks that contribute to self sufficiency. The Peaceful Press Chore and Routine Pack can help them learn skills for self care.
2. Curate the schedule. Young children thrive on predictability, and they struggle when the schedule is rushed or erratic. Work towards simple rhythms that create peace so your young children don't feel rushed and stressed. This might mean batching errands to just one or two days a week, giving them extra time to get ready, or making sure they've had a full breakfast before the first event of the day. Children will mirror your inner world, so if you feel rushed and stressed, they will feel it too. Grab the Peaceful Press Planner to help you plan peaceful days.
3. Prep the meals.  A hungry child is an angry child, so take time to prep healthy snacks and keep them accessible so blood sugar stays regulated and children stay calm. We like banana slices with peanut butter, blueberries, meatballs, cheese cubes, apples slices, sweet potatoes, and oatmeal with cinnamon and yogurt. (Hit reply and tell us your favorite snacks for young children). 

Connect with your child

I have the delight of regularly watching my 2 year old grandchild and it's been so much fun to rediscover the little years. She loves playing with tiny animals, pouring tea in her tea set, and playing with a big bowl of water on the back patio. The outdoors is her favorite, and she loves people.  As we play and learn with our children, they develop motor skills, thinking skills, and virtue.
What do your children love to do? 
What makes them come alive? 
Sometimes when we are busy with caring for older children or our homes, we can neglect to get to know our preschoolers. 
The Peaceful Preschool can help you with simple daily lesson plans that offer developmentally appropriate learning experiences while also creating connection
As you play keep it up with a balloon, glue seeds into a flower shape, trace the letter B in salt, or wash toy dishes together, your child is integrating their brain and body, learning basic math and phonics skills for later academics, and develop self care skills, but most importantly, they feel loved and respected which empowers further learning.
Find our favorite preschool school supplies here!

Early Years Bundles

The Peaceful Preschool is our A-Z preschool resource that includes daily lesson plans with valuable fine and large motor skills activities for preparing children for later academics. We also include phonics, counting, art, and practical skills. $49
Nourishing Nature Kindergarten follows the Peaceful Preschool with advanced early reading and math skills, social studies, art, practical life skills, and motor skills. $59

Early Years Supplements

The Picture Word Card Bundle includes the 26 letters of the alphabet with corresponding words, pictures, and rhymes. Young children can name the realistic pictures, and as they grow they can match letters to pictures, words to pictures, and finally, match rhymes to pictures. $5
The Early Years Morning Menu includes several pages that can be laminated or slipped into a menu for engaging basic skills practice. We include pages for weather, letters, numbers, clock, emotions, and more! $9
The Chore and Routine Pack includes 120 chore and routine cards along with skills instruction sheets, habit tracker, and skill checklist. $7
Want a Bible resource for your young learners? The Good Gospel is a 26 week Bible resources with weekly lesson plans based on the life of Jesus.
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