
Opens June 25, 2024

Don't miss the last chance to join our exclusive community, Restoration Home, for the last time this year.

Hi. I’m Jennifer Pepito, and I'm on a mission to help mothers overcome fear and live lives of purpose and wonder.

I'm like you, desperate for my children to love God and love their families, and I found mentors who had the same goal.

These women of faith inspired me to create life-giving habits so I could create a sacred home for my children to launch from. I want to help you bring restoration to your home and family as well.

"I am SO thankful for how this group has challenged me in the area of habits! Some days are still 1% in some areas, but others have blossomed this year in ways I never thought would happen...the rhythms found have been SUCH a blessing!"

I've been there

I was trying to care for my preschoolers while also homeschooling my other five children. I wanted to nurture connection with all of my children and point them to Jesus because I knew how essential that was to raising whole adults. I wanted to meet the developmental needs of the littles while staying attuned to the older children, but I was struggling with a lack of accountability and support.

I have to be honest

The path toward raising children who are well-educated, and still love God and their family can feel a little confusing at times.

In the early years, children need responsive parents who are ready to meet their physical, emotional, and developmental needs. As they grow they need to know we are there for them, but they also need to have good habits that create a hedge for a life of creativity and purpose. And they also need to know that we actually love being around them. They need to know they are loved and capable and created for purpose. It's overwhelming to try and meet all of these needs...

Why Community?

It's hard to forge a path toward sacred homes on our own.

I created the Peaceful Press homeschool resources to meet these needs. The motor skills activities build bonds while nurturing foundational skills for academics. Art, poetry, and literature build a hopeful worldview and the ability to communicate well and believe the best about God and others.

It's easy to get overwhelmed and start doing things that create disconnection and chaos when we don't have a community to encourage us.

I needed support to stay true to my values and build the healthy habits that would nurture a restoration home, and children equipped to be a light in a chaotic world.

We created the Restoration Home Community so you don't have to do it alone.

  • $9.99 Monthly Investment

    • Monthly teaching on creating a more peaceful life
    • Monthly mama challenges for better rhythms and stronger community
    • Access to event replays.
    • Weekly e-mail with easy-to-use lesson plans for your preschool students.
    • Weekly habit building prompts.
    • Access to our private community
  • $89 Yearly Investment

    • Monthly teaching on creating a more peaceful life
    • Monthly mama challenges for better rhythms and stronger community
    • Access to event replays.
    • Weekly e-mail with easy-to-use lesson plans for your preschool students.
    • Weekly habit building prompts.
    • Access to our private community
    • 20% discount to The Peaceful Press shop.

"My oldest is 10. His work has been more independent from my girls, but he always participates in morning time, read-alouds, and sometimes voluntarily jumps in with art studies or large motor skills. The habit training has been really effective for him. It’s helped me prioritize connection and conversation with him, and he does so much more around the house than I thought he could. I never would have challenged him without prompting from the Restoration Home Community!"